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Virtual Assistant Rates Survey

We connected with Virtual Assistants in South Africa and asked for their help in completing this survey, and received 106 submissions.

We’d like to express our thanks for every Virtual Assistant who took the time to complete the survey – we value your input to gain a better understanding of the Virtual Assistant landscape in South Africa. You’re playing a part in growing our valuable industry. Outlined in this report is the outcomes of those 106 submissions dated 1 September 2022 – 15 February 2024.

Together we can build a strong community where we can uplift one another!

We endeavour to submit a similar report on an annual basis going forward, so we ask that every VA take the time to add their input. All submissions during the period 1 March 2024 – 28 February 2025 will be included in the next report.

Please use this link to add your input:

Navigate by clicking on the arrows on the left and right, or the bullets at the bottom.

VAISA Brand Guidelines

We are excited to announce that we have developed comprehensive brand guidelines to ensure a consistent and professional use of the VAISA identity across all platforms. These guidelines are designed to clarify the permitted and prohibited uses of the VAISA member’s vetted stamp and the VAISA logo. The full guidelines can be found below.